Software Suite


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Our Products

Processes & Workflows
Tool box as an integrated service for information management and storage with focus on laboratory environments.
Databases & archives
Tool box to create a powerful platform solution for CROs with the focus on volunteer management functionalities.
Groups & Collaboration
anyRM X ist our sandbox. We discuss with you ideas and concepts to create the perfect, tailor made solution for your requirements.
Calendars & Event
Tool box as an integrated service for information management and storage with focus on laboratory environments.
Social Networks
Tool box to create a powerful platform solution for CROs with the focus on volunteer management functionalities.
Ressources (Emovis)
anyRM X ist our sandbox. We discuss with you ideas and concepts to create the perfect, tailor made solution for your requirements.

TESTIMONIALSOur Customers Remember Our Good Service

I greatly appreciate the communication on the process, what we needed to do in terms of providing samples, what to expect. Novalab provided what we needed in terms of certification that we can use with our customers.
Morgan Macleod

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